Canadian bond fund

<p>Low cost, broad exposure to the Canadian investment grade bond market. 2. Pays monthly cash distributions and provides diversification opportunities. 3.</p>

A portion of the management fee is paid by RBC GAM as a trailing commission to the dealer for investment advice and other services.

A high quality Canadian portfolio of federal, provincial, and corporate bonds.

Why invest in this fund. A core fixed-income solution that offers investors exposure to a portfolio of high-quality Canadian bonds. Diversified among sectors and. The Fund invests primarily in bonds and debentures of Canadian government and corporate issuers. Treasury bills or short-term investments, not exceeding.

What are the risks of investing in the Fund. Class risk, concentration. Learn about Mackenzie Canadian Bond Fund, including current and historical performance, portfolio managers, asset allocation and commentary. This fund invests primarily in fixed income securities of Canadian governments and companies. It is currently expected that investments in foreign securities will. A bond fund is a mutual fund that pools the money of many investors. Fund managers use the money to buy mainly fixed-income securities.

Diversified among sectors and issuers.

The funds invest in. Why Invest In Dynamic Canadian Bond Fund. Active management of credit. The fund may invest a portion of its assets in real return bonds, mortgage-backed securities, preferred shares and in Canadian dollar denominated debt issued. NEI Canadian Bond Fund - The Fund aims to provide high current income while protecting your original investment. It invests mostly in bonds, debentures and. Investors Canadian Bond Fund.

Instrument Name TD Canadian Bond Fund - Investor Series - NL (Instrument Exchange CADFUNDS: Instrument Symbol TDB12.CF).

Fund documents. Fund Facts. The Ridgewood Canadian Bond Fund is a no-load, open-ended mutual fund. It offers investors the opportunity to achieve a high level of income consistent with. NEI Canadian Bond Fund Fund Profile. Sales Compensation: Option of Sales Charge or. Canso Canadian Bond Fund Canadian fixed income index, such as the FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index. Fund Manager: Canso Fund Management Ltd.

These funds pay management fees to RBC GAM. The Fund is managed to obtain a return that approximates the performance of the FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index. The FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index is comprised of more than 900 marketable. CIBC Canadian Bond Fund is an open-end fund incorporated in Canada. The Fund seeks to provide a high level of income and some capital growth, while attempting to preserve capital.